Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else.

I could go on and on and list all the little things that make me different from everyone I KNOW, but i cannot possibly say something about myself that is different from EVERYONE ELSE. including people i don't know, because that is just ridiculous. anyhoo, i shall just list a few things down..
  • when i eat gummy bears, i love chewing off the head first.
  • i'm fat, but i play soccer, and tchoukball.
  • i don't fall in love easily, but when i do, i fall hard.
  • i care too much about things and people who don't care half as much about me.
  • i love tattoos, a lot.
  • i have tattoos.
  • i love painting my nails and doing crazy stuff to them.
  • gotta love music.
  • i find it easy to make friends, it's never hard for me to strike a conversation with someone.
  • i have huge insecurity issues, and i honestly think i'm ugly, and i don't say it because i'm fishing for compliments, but i honestly think i am.

that's about it, i guess?

Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy.

the guy in the centre. my beansprout. No he's not my boyfriend, but a very very good friend, and he never fails to make me laugh and teach me how to look on the bright side of things (:

These girls make me happy. It's probably pretty similar to the picture below, but it's just that there is one person missing in the second picture.

these girls are my secondary school friends, and they make me happy too. When I'm with them, it feels as if all my troubles and worries go away, and we just act all bimbotic because we can. Love them to bits. <3

these two girls are my cousins, and they, too, make me extremely happy. they are such a huge part of my life. I mean, i'm pretty close to all my cousins, but these two, they are love, and pretty much life too. (:

I honestly don't know how this picture relates, but it looks nice. Art makes me happy.

Laments of a teenager.

i've been having a bad week. A real bad week. Worse part is, i have no idea why i've been having such a bad week. maybe it's cause i'm just too busy with school, and stuff, & it kinda sucks that i don't have time to myself. even when i get home, i've got to do projects and stuff.

I want to go out, and have fun, but no, i have to content myself with just staying at home, pigging out on ice cream and all, doing my projects, but it's okay, i can do it. I will do it (:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Meet me. I LOVE YOU (:

Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/ being with in the future.

I've always seen myself with Prahlad. but unfortunately he doesn't feel the same way, so yeah we'll see where this shit takes us.

Day 19 - Nicknames you have, and why you have them.

  1. sha - for obvious reasons because people are too lazy or they cannot pronounce my full name "shalania"
  2. shania - only mum and a few others call me that.
  3. potato - that's what hassan calls me because i call him beansprout.

that's about it, i guess? (:

Day 18 - plans/dreams/goals you have.

I want to travel the world. See everything and anything. Do everything and nothing, meet new people, have adventures, learn about people's lives. No, i'm not talking about famous people who lived and shit, i'm talking about ordinary people. randomly chat someone up at a cafe, learn about their life, keep a journal, and all. yup that's my dream, my goal, and my plans for my whole entire existence.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for a day and why.

Kat Von D.

I love her to the fucking core. I'd love to live her life for a day because well, truth be told, she's f-awesome.